Sunday, May 20, 2012

dog jokes

I was digging up the tomato plot this morning, getting it ready for some transplants.  Maya wanted to play, so she made up a game of her own.  It involved pretending to be afraid of the shovel (she'd give a great, theatrical start of surprise every time I lifted it a few inches into the air) until she was sufficiently "scared," and then releasing the tension with great, grinning, looping zoomies all over the back yard.

Maya has been especially silly lately, perhaps full of the fun of springtime.  When she makes up games that involve such imaginative elements, and then slides her laughing eyes over to mine to make sure I'm watching, I can't help but feel she's making dog jokes.  It makes me laugh.  It also made me wonder if I could tell dog jokes back at her, so I pretended to find the shovel quite startling too.  Maya instantly flung herself into another round of zoomies, face alight with glee.  My success at canine comedy thrilled me to an embarrassing degree.

It is amazing I ever get any yard work done.

Other games of the day included tug with a piece of grass.


Putting things on Maya's head.

And rolling around waving our feet at one another.

It's hard to beat a lazy, sunny Sunday afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. This post really made me smile. I love to read about how you two communicate, and Maya's pictures are always so great!
