Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'd rather be hiking...

Last week, we went for a hike.

Our favorite meadow has become very green and filled with dandelions.  Maya loves it there, and had a blast running around.

There was also frisbee.

Silly Maya fact: like Zoolander, she is not an ambi-turner.  Long ago, I taught Maya a "spin!" trick, where she spins in a counter-clockwise circle.  All attempts to teach her a similar trick in the opposite direction have failed.  If I even try to lure her in a clockwise circle, she falls over.

Thankfully, this difficulty only afflicts her during trick-training sessions.  She is perfectly capable of rounding on the frisbee from either direction.

On our way back to the car, we ran into a surprise.

For those unfamiliar with the sight, that is a large bull elk.  He was browsing busily, trying to add bulk and fuel the growth of his velvet-covered antlers.  I put Maya back on her leash, just in case she got any stupid ideas, and we gave him a wide berth just in case he got ideas of his own.  It was all very peaceful though, and we passed by with no more than a few wide-eyed stares from all parties.

I love spending time in the woods with my dog.

1 comment:

  1. I love the action shots! And woah!! That elk looks huge!
