Wednesday, June 22, 2011

does your dog love water?

Maya loves water, but is fundamentally clueless about it.  I like to blame this on environmental deprivation -- she is a desert dog, and rarely has the chance to experience water outside of a bucket or toilet bowl.  Besides, "my dog is a desert dog" sounds better than "my dog is sort of dumb about water."

The first time she met a large puddle, she tried to step on it.  A mistake, of course, and she fell into the six-inch-deep water with a wail of dismay.  It pretty much set the pattern though: when Maya finds water, she goofs around until she falls in.

Once in, she has a splendid time.

Not quite a water dog, but at least I know she's having fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hee Hee! Pixel was unsure about water for about half a day and then he learned the joy of wrestling his brother underwater. Suffice to say we don't take them swimming together any more.
