Monday, April 2, 2012

my camera is fixed!

And it's spring!!

That's our apricot tree.  Apricots don't grow especially well up here, because a late frost comes along almost every year and kills the blossoms.  People complain, and sometimes chop them down, because they are essentially non-producers.  But I love that early in the spring, before anything is truly green or any intelligent plant would dare to flower, the apricots are waving their useless blooms all over town.

Maya loves spring too: the chipmunks are active again, delicious shoots of new grass are ready for grazing, the breeze is warm, and I am spending hours out in the yard with her.  I've been getting our vegetable bed ready for planting, filling containers with spinach & kale seeds, and generally cleaning up our yard.  Maya supervises it all.

Most of what I do in the yard fascinates Maya.  Digging in the dirt is a group activity (although I had to ban her from helping me plant last year -- she carefully watched me put the tomato seedling into the ground and pat the dirt around it, and when I stepped back to admire my handiwork she promptly reached out her own front feet and smashed it flat.  My Little Helper).  She distrusts the hose, but likes to run circles around me when I rake.  Her aim is to leap clean over the rake, mine is to to avoid a horrible collision.  I carried a dozen cinder blocks across the yard the other day, which Maya inexplicably found hilarious; it prompted a massive attack of the zoomies and lots of doggy laughter. 

Up in the mountains, there is still a little snow and a lot of mud.  Delicious, delicious mud.

Updated to add: apricot trees are insufferable optimists.  As of 7:00 tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Yay new post and new photos of Maya! I always look for your updates and photos of your crew!
